Can`t belive the weekend has already passed! And it has been such a summer:ish weekend! I also managed to pack things, but I`ll try to pack more during the weeks too, mainly because I don`t want to waste my weekends 😅 😄 Also, I would like to travel more and discover new places, and for that, I need my weekends 😄 for now, within Sweden but I`ve started to think of maybe also travel more in Europe. For example, I would love to visit London soon again, do they still have the Harry potter exhibition?! 😄🥰 also, a friend and I have planned to go to an opera, since I`ve never seen an opera live 😅 there is so much I would like to try and do. Also, visit some artmuseums of course 😍 need to start to make plans, thou.
Soon I will also participate in the artexhibition "konst runt möckeln " so I also need to finish some drawings 😂🫣💪 #konstruntmöckeln #resedrömmar #artexhibition