Konst Runt Möckeln

Välkommen till Konst Runt Möckeln 2024

27 september – 29 september 2024

INSTAGRAM #konstruntmöckeln

Än är det blomning kvar…
🌸🌺🌻🌸🌻🌼 🌺🌸🌻🌸

#frittbroderi #symobilväska #broderamera #återbrukamera #jeans #stygnpåstygn #textilkonst #textilart #textilartstudio #konstruntmöckeln

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#MONA #SILVERKONSTNÄR #konstruntmöckeln #konstrunda #smycken #silver #925 #brynjelänk #design #art #halsband #armband #silversmide #september ...

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Några av de alster man kan se hos mig.

#konstruntmöckeln #konst #akryl

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I have been so, so busy with my moving lately so I haven’t had time to update here. However, much is happening in my life right now.

Today I just submitted an artwork for the opening of the upcoming art exhibition of “Konst runt mockeln “. The vernissage is at Saturday the 21 september in Karlskoga Konsthall so welcome everyone 🙂 I will be there at the opening. However, this is just the vernissage where every artist shows ONE artwork. The “real” art exhibition start the 27:th of September .

For the vernissage, I choose this drawing, which is one of my largest drawings so far. I had a lot of trouble to buy the frame and take it home 😂 it will be for sale at the vernissage ( the artwork AND the frame 😉 ).

Hopefully, I will find some time to finish some more artworks before the exhibition 😁 #konstruntmöckeln #artbyneva #nevaart #artexhibition #konst

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En liten bit #femtiotalstyg får inspirera mig på väg hem från #härjedalen #lofsdalen

#återbrukamera #jeans #textiledesign #freeembroidery #frittbroderi #fantasi #konstruntmöckeln

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Welcome in my world of Bacchus!
Oil on canvas 75/75

#konstruntmöckeln #boforsstationsområde #konstisverige #konstenheten #konst #kunst #beauart #modernart #greekmythologyart #impressionism #expressionism

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Välkommen till KulturKollision 14 september! Det här händer under dagen:

Alfred Nobels torg, Stora scenen
Nora-Karlskoga järnvägsklubb finns på plats hela dagen korvförsäljning och information
Kl. 11:00 Jonas Sandström inviger på scenen
Kl. 11:15 Kördelux på scenen
Kl. 11:35 Loud dance company på scenen
Kl. 11:55 Gôrskôj på scenen
Kl. 12:15 Seniordansarna på torget
Kl. 12:55 Zumba med Kontaktservice på torget
Kl. 13:15 Allsång med Kördelux på scenen
Kl. 13:30 Bofors musikkår spelar tillsammans med Stockholms musikkår på torget
Kl. 14:00 Avslutningstal Håkan Talberg, ordförande Möckelnföreningarna

Café 39:an på Kungsvägen 39
Konstutställning hela dagen med verk av Marianne Thelander.

Kungsteatern med Teaterföreningen Lyset
* Se öppen repetition av Sound of music
* Tipspromenad, en för barn och en för vuxna. Vinstchans – teaterbiljetter
* I teaterns café, våfflor
Foajén Folkets hus
Kl. 11-14 Karlskoga konstförening ställer ut inköpt konst

Kl. 11:15 Konst runt Möckeln
Kl. 12:15 Teater Nolby
Kl. 12:35 Bygdegillet
Kl. 12:55 Kördelux läser dikter
Kl. 13:15 Teater Nolby
Mer information om föreningarna och dagens innehåll hittar du på mockelnforeningarna.se

#karlskogakulturskola #möckelnföreningarna #kulturskollision2024 #lyset #louddancecompany #gôrskôj #bygdegillet #kördelux #konstruntmöckeln #boforsmusikkår #kulturskolan #karlskoga #teaternolby

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#MONA #SILVERKONSTNÄR #konstruntmöckeln #silver #ringar #925sterlingsilver #art #design #smycken #silversmide #värmland #örebrolän ...

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#miniväskor #konstruntmöckeln #frittbroderi #freeembroidery #fantasi #återbruk #jeans #trådochnål #nålochtråd #finskaföreningenkarlskoga #vernissage ...

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A charcoal-drawing I`m still working on, right now. It`s so HUGE! It`s almost only one month left until I will participate in the artexhibition "konst runt Möckeln". It hit me that I FINALLY got some time to actually participate in artexhibitions again, now when I`m not studying any more! I also feel that I actually have kind of a lot of artworks now so I think I will actually try to exhibit a bit more from now..But it would be nice to exhibit in places I haven`t been before 😁 problem is: I`ve been drawing so large artworks lately, that I can`t find frames 🤣 well, but that`s a later problem #konstnärsdrömmen #konstnär #konstutställning #konstruntmöckeln #artexhibition ...

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Idag har Sten-Åke och jag börjat planera för analog fotoworkshop under KonstRuntMöckeln i år. #konstruntmöckeln ...

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Can`t belive the weekend has already passed! And it has been such a summer:ish weekend! I also managed to pack things, but I`ll try to pack more during the weeks too, mainly because I don`t want to waste my weekends 😅 😄 Also, I would like to travel more and discover new places, and for that, I need my weekends 😄 for now, within Sweden but I`ve started to think of maybe also travel more in Europe. For example, I would love to visit London soon again, do they still have the Harry potter exhibition?! 😄🥰 also, a friend and I have planned to go to an opera, since I`ve never seen an opera live 😅 there is so much I would like to try and do. Also, visit some artmuseums of course 😍 need to start to make plans, thou.

Soon I will also participate in the artexhibition "konst runt möckeln " so I also need to finish some drawings 😂🫣💪 #konstruntmöckeln #resedrömmar #artexhibition

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Såpbubblor? Eller…vad ser du?

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Been working all week and been so tired on the evenings 😴 🤭 so I haven`t been able to draw as much as I want. I think it`s because of my sleeping-problems. I`m still not able to sleep as much as I would like too 😪 I don`t know what the issue is but I partly blame the light summernights. I need to get dark curtains but I don`t want to install new ones since I`m moving in less than a month 🤪

However, I have this drawing still ongoing 🤭 I hope I will manage to draw this weekend but I got the feeling that I need to sleep, be packing and cleaning 🤪😅🤭

#powerlady #konstruntmöckeln #traditionalartist #konstnär

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I konstnärens hörn. Arbete pågår, inspireras av sommarljuset🧡💛🩵

#workinprogress #oilpainting #art #konstnär #sommarljus #summer #ljusstråk #konstruntmöckeln #artwork #artulrikaandersson

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Är det så klokt ? 😅 #sinikkaholma #art #oilpanting #konst #konstruntmöckeln #oljemålning #boforsstationsområde #artgallery ...

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Sommarens blomsteräng på en linneservett. Kanske har farmor virkat rutorna? Trådarna och den ljusblå servetten är i alla fall köpta på pmusecondhandkarlskoga

🖼️ Kanske blir den inramad eller nåt annat.

#återbruk #frittbroderi #sommarblommor #konstruntmöckeln

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It is done 👌 go to my artaccount for full resolution and finished version linda_nevaart

#charcoaldrawing #charcoalartist #hands #drawinghands #handsdrawing #charcoalhands #konstruntmöckeln #artbyneva #nevaart #svenskkonst #blyertsporträtt #kolteckning

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Finally done! If you want to see the complete drawing, go to my art-account linda_nevaart 🤗

inspirations from artmodel stephanie_herself
#konstruntmöckeln #charcoaldrawing #charcoalartist #charcoalportrait #graphiteart #graphitedrawing #portraitdrawing #blyerts #kolteckning #tecknamedkol #konstnär #svenskkonst

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Swedish "Midsummer " today, and me and my kids went out and had a cozy picnic close to a playground with watersprinkles ☺️ the weather was so nice outside, so afterwards, we bought ourselves some ice-cream ☺️
I`m really in to charcoal now, and I`m still working on this one. Hopefully I will finish it tomorrow 🙏 I would really like to have a bounch of artworks finished for the artexhibition in September. #konstruntmöckeln #charcoaldrawing #charcoalart #charcoalartist #kolteckning

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Satsfjället, Saxnäs #artinresidence #akvarell #akvarellmålning #konstruntmöckeln #mariehellsing #saxnäs #akvarellmuseet #ricklundgården ...

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In progress...

Ok I didn`t manage to finish thise one today 🤣 today I had a bit hectic day, since my bus was stuck in the traffic in TWO hours when I went to work today! I`m so glad that I decided to take an earlier bus because I arrived 2 min before I needed to be there 🤣


Defense-day one day closer and I feel stressed over not having so much to do. Or...suspicious! Feels like I`ve forgotten something! But maybe I just have to get used to not being completely stressed all the time 🤣

Artmodel: stephanie_herself 🌸

#konstruntmöckeln #svenskkonstnär #blyertsporträtt #graphiteart #graphiteartist

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Mina snuskpellar 🤪Nr 1. Hot Dog #sinikkaholma #artbyme #konstruntmöckeln #art #konst #oilpainting #cat #katt #oljemålning ...

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Melon against lemon .....

#artoftheday #artistsoninstagram #modernart #palestine #freedom #expressionism #konstruntmöckeln #konstisverige #kunst #beauart

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I mörkret är alla katter grå ..😉#sinikkaholma #katt #art #konst #oilpainting #konstruntmöckeln #boforsstationsområde ...

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Bofors Gamla Station 🚂🚃🚃🚃

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Havet lockar mig som alltid! Akryl med struktur. #akryl #painting #konstruntmöckeln ...

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Skisser minnesbilder från mina simturer, simmar ju 60 längder minst 3ggr i veckan.Halvblind utan glasögon .. pågår Livet ❤️#sinikkaholma #karlskoga #karlskogakommun #strandbadet #akvarellmuseet #akvarellmålning #watercolour #konstruntmöckeln ...

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Tack till alla besökare som kom och besökte våra ateljéer på årets konstrunda!

Video Rundtur från 2023